Bold + Brave with Bailey Peyton
A few years ago, a special person unexpectedly slid into my DMs and quickly became my ride-or-die virtual BFF – Bailey Peyton. Ever since, we have encouraged one another, lifted each other up in hard times, been a spring-board for new ideas and a helping hand when it came to navigating the world of Instagram, body love and entrepreneurship. Knowing Bailey has been a joy and I decided it was about time I introduce you to her! Read on for a Q+A that will bring some of her effervescent persona into your life.

You and I found each other on Instagram a few years ago and instantly connected. I think your positive attitude and bubbly spirit is contagious! Your confidence shines through and i think you have a wonderful outlook on life. Can you please share about your “Bold & Brave” philosophy?
It truly feels like we have known each other forever (which I am so grateful for) and thrilled to be connected with you! Thank you Lo. Being ‘Bold & Brave’, and living my life in such a way, wasn’t something that I was born with or woke up one day and knew how to do. It was cultivated, learned, developed and something I grew into from a multitude of moments – hardship, rock bottoms, intense growth, experience, and some serious self-work.
I have always been a bold girl with a fiery personality, but I spent the better half of my younger years being told I was ‘too much, and ‘too loud.’ I made decisions for everyone but myself because I thought that was how you avoided judgement and I lived for most everyone but myself. Eventually, through meeting people who helped me find my worth, and performing in a show that changed my life (I was Tracy Turnblad in Hairspray, a true dream role), I realized that I needed to do some serious work on finding my own self-love before I could be loved by anyone else.
That journey was well over a year and it was the most defining year of my life. I found my intentions, my values, that positive attitude and bubbly spirit, and that contagious confidence. This all culminated into the philosophy I live by to be undeniably yourself, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. and to be bold and brave while doing it in order to become your best self.
I know you talk about your past struggles with self-confidence and finding your unique path in the world. What did that journey to self-love look like for you?
Whoof. A long, hard, windy, difficult road. In my darkest moments of body image, I ALWAYS told myself that I would grow up to be the woman that I needed when I as younger. So when I woke up in my adult life and didn’t see that girl in the mirror, I knew I had some serious struggles to work through and barriers to break. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, I didn’t even know how it would be done, but I did know that it was all up to me. I came up with a mantra that got me through my days (and still does):
‘Confidence is not a one day journey; it is an everyday choice.’
This truly altered how I looked at confidence. I always believed I would just wake up one day and feel it – or that it was this ultimate destination. What I figured out is that it was actually a journey without an end; and a beautiful one at that. I was always an ‘off the beaten path’ kind of girl. From my body type, to how I wanted to experience college (online), to what I wanted to do for a living (perform, create, etc). I was always doing things my way, the way that felt right but maybe didn’t look ‘normal’ or ‘average’ or ‘live up to society standards.’ I stuck hard to those convictions and they truly made me the woman I am today.
They weren’t always crystal clear – but they were always honest and heartfelt. I grew up in a body that was made fun of, judged and bullied – and now I live in that same body that is loved, cherished and confident. It’s an everyday journey, some days are better than others, but they are all beautiful.

If you could give someone ONE piece of advice to live a bold, brave and confident life what would it be?
Being bold, brave and confident isn’t about trying to live up to expectations, or meeting standards; it is about taking full ownership of who you are, inside and out, and living through that with intention, kindness and for me definitely some confetti 😉 BE YOU BABES. It is the most freeing choice you will ever make.
Champagne and all things bubbly are one of your favorite things – what is your go-to “SPLURGE” and “STEAL” bottle?!
Oh my goodness, YES, you know me so well. I truly adore champagne, bubbly and all things sparkling. My favorite ‘splurge’ bottle if of course the classic Veuve Cliquot – it’s a treat and I love celebrating an anniversary or a big life moment with a bottle of a true classic! My favorite ‘steal’ is definitely Freixenet. It is delightful on it’s own but also works beautifully for mimosas (and goes for about $10 a bottle!). I also have to add in my favorite middle of the road – Chandon. It’s right in the middle of both of these bubbles price points and is delightful. If you ever get a chance to visit the Domaine Chandon winery in Napa, it’s a MUST!
You’re making serious moves in the modeling industry by pushing for size inclusivity, including height as someone who is 5’6”. For reference, in the past the standard has always been 5’8” minimum, some agencies even say 5’10” minimum. Have you always been interested in modeling and do you feel like restrictions on height are loosening?
Ah thank you girlfriend! My journey into the modeling industry has been WILD. A lot of agencies definitely still have height (and size) requirements which is a bummer because I think they are missing out on a lot of talent. Frankly, we are all REAL people at the end of the day – and I want to see real people representing as models across the board. Height, size, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, etc, we need to see ourselves being represented. PERIOD.
Since I first got signed in 2018, I have definitely seen some growth in the industry and I have seen it change – but there is still so much work to be done. I still fight to be seen for print because of my height and I will keep fighting for all of my #shortandcurvy women out there! I always enjoyed being in front of the camera – as a young woman, a lot of people told me I had a beautiful face for modeling, but I never had the body. Crazy, right? I truly never imagined I would enter the industry and honestly had zero desire to. But when I left the music industry, and due to some life circumstances, I found myself applying to agencies one day. And here I am almost two years later! I have worked with brands like MeUndies, Fabletics, Torrid, True Religion, Swimsuits for All, Beyond Yoga, Rebel Wilson Angels and more. It has been the most incredible career experience of my life to date. I can’t wait to keep breaking molds!

I know you love breakfast like I love breakfast- what is your all-time favorite breakfast food?
Oh my gosh I could have breakfast all day long – I literally had it for breakfast and lunch just today lol. I am OBSESSED. Hands down breakfast burritos. They are my absolute favorite, preferably with Colorado green chili, it is life changing. It is also what my husband and I originally bonded over – our ridiculous love for breakfast burritos…it still stands 😉
If you could partner with any brand, who would it be and why?
I have a lot of dreams when it comes to partnering (some that have come true and still seem surreal), I currently work with Swimsuits for All (swim is my absolute jam and my favorite and I hope to shoot with them one day!) but working with Aerie is the ultimate dream, specifically I want to be an Aerie Real Role Model. I have championed their #realnotretouched brand for years and their values truly align with everything that I stand for in the most powerful way. I love loungewear and swim above anything in fashion – which is what they cater to, let alone that I live in their apparel and actually set aside a budget to spend on pieces monthly (no joke lol). When partnering with a brand, my first priority is always that they align with my own personal branding and what I believe in. Aerie is it.
If you could travel back in time, what would you tell your younger self?
I would tell my younger self that there would come a day when numbers wouldn’t matter; the number on the scale, the number you get on a test, the number of likes you get a photo; there will come a day where you fill find your worth, and it won’t be measured by numbers. It will be measured by love.

I have loved seeing your following grow and watch you flourish in this space – what’s next for Bailey? Any exciting new things on the horizon?
You are so sweet Lo, thank you! The feeling is so mutual. I adore the space you have created and being a part of your world and I love the support we give one another. Quite honestly, I was enjoying the calm before the storm when Covid-19 began because work and personal life was going to pick up FAST for me in April.
I had a number of modeling shoots and fittings scheduled, my first influencer trip, bookings with a few dream clients and a lot of upcoming content partnerships that I was excited to bring to my community! My husband and I are also avid travelers so we had a lot of personal travel plans to look forward to – and thankfully, these are all wonderful moments that will pick up where they left off when our world gets back to normal. And I cannot wait to dive back in and see where this year takes me!
2019 was the ‘laying foundation and hustle’ year for me. 2020 is my year of ‘balance and enjoyment (and still some hustle)’ and I cannot wait to carry that into both my work and my everyday life. For now, I am wildly grateful to be healthy, happy, employed, supported and loved. I am enjoying my new home, creating some new content in new ways, and taking advantage of all moments with my husband. We are celebrating life and I am so glad that I get to do that with wonderful women like you at my side!
Thank you so much for having me!
xo B
To connect with Bailey sure to follow her @thebaileyp on Instagram.

Beauty and Brains