

3 Ways to Wear Velvet

Velvet is, and has been for quite some time, a trend that is all the place.  However, it can be an intimidating fabric because not every velvet piece is going to work every person.  The trick is finding the right interpretation for your personal style that seems as if it’s
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Velour is Back in Action

Well folks, I hate to break it to you, but velour is back!  The quintessential Juicy Couture tracksuit has somehow arisen from its sequin grave, riding the wave of the velvet trend to put itself back in the spotlight.  There are versions of it everywhere right now from Adidas to
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Beautyfashionholidayoutfit ideas

Holiday Shine

Everyone likes a little sparkle during the holidays and I'm no exception.  I usually have a piece that I buy here and there, but keep forever because I usually only wear sequins during this season.  While this beautiful sequin cape top is an oldie-but-a-goodie, I found some similar items out
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blue stripes + velvet pumps

By now some of you may have noticed that I have this thing with blue and white striped tops (and dresses!) for summer.  Honestly, anything blue and white I find myself lusting after: dishes, shoes, handbags, you name it!  But what makes this one different is that it pairs perfectly
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